Az esemény alatt méréseket végeztünk, illetve az iskolánk nagyon sok diákja figyelte meg ezt a ritka esetet. A méréseket tablettel, okostelefonnal, illetve egy hivatalos fénymérő eszközzel. A fényt LUX-ban mértük, és az eredményeket különféle táblázatokon és grafikonokon ábrázoltuk.

On the 20th of March, 2015 a total solar eclipse could be observed in several parts of Europe, to be more accurate, in the Feröer Islands and the Spitsbergen, and a partial solar eclipse could be seen in the large part of Europe.
During the event, measurements were made by us, and a lot of students of our school were watching this rare phenomenon. The measurments were performed by a tablet, a smartphone and an official light meter. We measured the light in LUX and we created various tables and diagrams including the results.
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